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In the film Roman, we explore the issues of a man who without realizing it, is carrying on a legacy that needs to change. The film is based on a story co-authored and published by the late, George Ward Beacham III and his wife, Cyndie Beacham. Lisa Reed has joined the project and we are partnered with film producer/director Dwight
Wilkins to bring the short story, Son of a Covet to the big screen with the title, Roman.
About the film
Roman, is the protagonist of the story who is reluctant to receiving advice. His ego leads to drama involving women in his life and it finally pushes him to his limit. He decides to research his family tree and what he finds is shocking and disturbing, causing further introspection into his life and his ways.
As we embark on this new and exciting endeavor, we hope that our story will help viewers realize that they must take action in order to end any negative legacies in their lives. Happiness is a choice!
Producers Note
Dwight Wilkins, (late) George Beacham and Cyndie
Beacham partnered in producing the film, Roman. The film is based on the short story, Son of a Covet, co-authored by George and Cyndie Beacham. We collaborated to produce a top quality film with a micro budget, thanks to support from our families, friends, cast and crew members to make it happen. Our strategy is to present our film at film festivals, and pitch to distribution sources for the viewing public. See more about the Roman film Cast and Crew here.
We want to bring this film to you and have you engaged in the process as we work toward getting this story of love in its selfishness, that leads to introspection and self- love, told. We really believe people will identify with the situations that are characterized in the film.